Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I know I was been a really long time!!!! Jacob has been doing so much lately I am not sure where to begin.... Well first things first he is walking! He started to take a couple steps 2 weeks ago, then each day he seemed to take more and more steps. Now he is all over the place. He thinks he is way too cool... it is fun.
This post is titled "firsts" because Jacob has had a lot of firsts these past couple of weeks. I took him on a plane ride up to Northern Michigan and he did really well. The first flight to Detroit he slept and I am telling you what - there really are some nice people left in this world. The man I sat next to was on his way to Thailand (worked for P & G) and he was so nice. I know when some people get on a plane and sit next to a person with a baby they are like ohhh great ( I know I used to be that way to be perfectly honest). But he immediately started talking to Jacob until he fell asleep and then he helped me when we landed with the stroller, car seat, all my bags... What a great guy! Then we got on a flight to Pellston and he just sat in my lap the whole time and ate his puffs. I was really super lucky. Gigi picked us up from the airport and our vacation began. The next day he had his "first" boat ride up to Mackinaw Island. He did really well but I really don't think he knew what was going on. Once we got to Mackinaw my mom and I rented bikes and a burley for him to ride in. I rode around with him on the back for almost 9 miles and he did great - so yes, he had his "first" bike ride.
Daddy drove up that next week as well as my brother, sister-in-law and their twin boys. We had a really great week and created a lot of memories for sure! Jacob wanted to be right with his cousins the entire week. They are a mile a minute and he did not want to miss a beat.
(Geezzz, just a side note while I am typing this - Winston my dog ate an entire plate of macaroni and cheese while I was giving Jacob a bath tonight and he has the worst gas right now).

So, I learned from vacation (after watching my nephews go right to bed so easily) that Jacob and I have a little work to do! I have been rocking him to sleep every single night of his life since the day he was born. The doctors tell me every time that I go in that I need to stop - he must learn how to fall asleep on his own. I continued to roll my eyes and say I will rock my baby to sleep if I want! Well, now I know what they were talking about. If I ever want to leave town with my husband or have an entire night out I need to get this kid to fall asleep on his own. So, we have been working on it the past few nights and all I can say is "this sucks"! I feel like a terrible mom letting him cry but I know it is for the best. I keep telling Chad that we need "The Nanny" to come in and guide us through this but I think I can do it on my own... The past two nights I got him to sleep with rubbing his head while he is laying in the crib (nap time is an entirely different ball game). So I think I will gradually get there. I know this takes time and I have to have some patience. I just feel awful because all he know is me rocking him and now he looks at me from the crib like "Mommy - what is going on???"
Another first (and this is the last) is I started him on the sippy cup. Of course I have bought every sippy cup on the planet to be ready and he took the second cup I tried. He likes the softer ones to sip from - sort of like a rubber spout. Anyways he is doing pretty good. I cannot wait to be finished with this formula! 5 more weeks! Can you believe he will be one?!? The birthday party is soon - he is growing up way too fast:)

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Jacob's new pool!

The family at our church

Jacob and his mohawk

Winston always steals his toys!

I know Grandpa would in a minute:)

Jacob and Mommy

Waiting for Santa to come

Of course we cannot forget our dog Winston. He is an English Black Lab. The best dog ever! He loves Jacob and they get along great.

Jacob visits santa. He did so good! His cousins Ethan and Parker did not do too well... I'm sure Jacob will be afraid of Santa next year, we will see!

Jacob's Nursery

Jacob's Nursery

Jacob and Daddy

Jacob and daddy sleeping after a long night!

Jacob on Halloween. He was a kitty. How adorable?!

Jacob and cousin Emerson. Emerson LOVES baby Jacob - she cannot keep her hands off of him. She wishes she could hold him all day:)

The sweetest baby ever:)

Aunt Jen from Chicago. Jen was my roommate all four years at the University of Dayton. She comes to see Jacob often and this day we went to the pumpkin patch!

Jacob and Mommy